Achieving their potential
Our young people use local schools, colleges and other educational facilities to continue their education.
Matching the educational support they need
We use our expertise to ensure that the service effectively supports the young person to engage with and sustain their chosen educational pathway. For example, linking with education professionals and the Education Plan, organising and resourcing appropriate support to facilitate educational needs, communicating with relevant education colleagues, training staff in basic ‘teaching’ support. If a young person is struggling within the school environment, then, as a short term measure, we can provide support to follow an in-house Education Plan then help them back into school or college.
Homework, reflection & activities
Our staff help individual young people in their learning journey by providing assistance and support with the completion of homework, preparation for the next day at school or college and reflection on their day, achievements, obstacles, experiences.
We also encourage young people to use fun and community activities as a way of consolidating learning and building new skills. At home, and in the community our staff will demonstrate, model and reinforce the development of life skills appropriate to the individual’s level of understanding.