Our approach
Surety Care is committed to providing outstanding care and support by working in close collaboration with the young people, families/carers, wider support network and believes that co-production is vital to achieving planned outcomes.
A complex balancing act
We understand that young people in our homes will often have experienced significant or prolonged adverse childhood events and be coping with debilitating traumatic impacts, evident in difficulties in emotional self-regulation, attachment, social relationships, barriers to educational attainment, and health,both physical and psychological. At times these impacts may overwhelm their coping skills and be communicated to us through challenging, antisocial or self-destructive behaviour.
We also understand that providing care and support in a children’s home is a complex balancing act: fundamentally supportive and common-sense ‘substitute parenting’ on the one hand and an informed and vigilant awareness of the effects of the young person’s experiences on the other.
Psychologically Informed Environment
At Surety Care we believe that the best way to achieve this balance is through a Psychologically Informed Environment with a focus on sustaining positive relationships, inside and outside the home. To achieve this we have developed Chrysalis, a framework that links our values, practice and outcomes and allows us to:
- Provide an experience of home.
- Meet complex psychological vulnerabilities.
- Provide a platform for educational attainment, skills development,
- Positive health and resilience.